Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Sprained ankle

Sprained ankle

I have a sprained ankle and have to keep working I've been able to take three days off and it is not painful to work but still tender It is either a moderate or minor sprain no pain with weight on it no swelling I could see a very small amount of blood and a very light bruise now under the skin I currently am using an elastic support brace what is the best option to ensure the safety of my ankle?

3 Answers

 Look at the skin. Clean it. Put a  sterile dressing on it. Then get fitted with an ankle {. Aircast brace}or a walking boot. Both durable medical devices need a prescription from a practitioner. All the best.
Ankle injuries can be associated with chip fracture injuries. I would recommend seeing a doctor for evaluation. Or urgent care or Emergency room.
You are doing the right things No uneven surfaces or aggressive sporting activities for 6 weeks from injury.