Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Stomach problem?

I went to an urgent care walk-in clinic because I had nausea, loss of appetite, and heartburn. The doctor said I had gastritis and it wasn't an infection. He prescribed famotidine, omeprazole, and sucralfate. I've been on them for about a week.

My question is that sometimes many hours (5 or 6 hours) after my last meal it feels like I have gastric juices in my stomach (I have heartburn and if I change position sit up, lie on my back, or lie on my stomach, I can feel the sensation change), and it lasts for many hours even if I don't eat. Antacid doesn't help. I might be okay for a couple of days but it seems to flare up again for a day and I don't know why. It might take a day for me to feel normal again and then I'm okay for a couple of days until it flares up again. I try to eat small meals of foods that are easy to digest.

Is this a common condition? Can you help me understand what is going on? Can you suggest something that I could do about it?

Male | 58 years old
Complaint duration: about 1 month
Medications: famotidine, omeprazole, and sucralfate
Conditions: gastritis

1 Answer

The doctor who told you that you have gastritis is just guessing because no test was conducted to prove that you have gastritis. How can the doctor know that you don't have an infection if no test for H pylori was done? An EGD or upper endoscopy is done to diagnose gastritis. Heartburn should respond to acid suppression pills. If it doesn't, then the problem is not acid related and you still need a proper diagnosis. See a good GI doctor to make a diagnosis if the symptoms do not resolve with time.