Family Medicine Questions Gastroenterologist

Stomach rumbling?

How do you get rid of a rumbling stomach? My stomach rumbles all day and has been for 3 months now. I’ve been drinking peppermint tea daily in hopes of helping it, but it only helped a bit. I tried probiotic yogurt but it made it louder.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: none
Conditions: none

3 Answers

One thing you could consider is trying some over-the-counter medications like Tums, Pepto-Bismol or Maalox as you might be suffering from some indigestion. Drink lots of water make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and daily exercise.
If rumbling is the only issue, then try to forget it. If the rumbling is accompanied by heartburn or BM issues however, you should see your doctor.
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This can be explained by several things so a full history and physical are needed to help diagnosis the issue. Rumbling is usually just peristalsis of the intestines, but I need to know if there is any pain associated with it. I also might need to know what kind of foods you are eating because excessive carbohydrates can cause more rumbling. I also need to know if the rumbling happens in association with a bowel movement. Multiple details can help narrow down the possible causes.