Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Stumped toe?

I stumped my toe on my crutches in March, it was so bad I thought I broke it. I went and had an X-ray done 2 weeks ago, no broken bones my toe is swollen and red, no skin is broken. The top of the foot near the toe stings terribly and anything that touches my toe, sock, shoe, bedsheets, hurts at night, it stings and makes it hard to sleep. I have a hard time walking this is on my left foot 4th toe, I had foot surgery on my right foot on Dec 23, 2020. I don’t know what to do I have rested, and been very cautious but the pain is awful and I can hardly sleep.

Female | 52 years old
Complaint duration: Month

7 Answers

When you injured the toe you probably injured the ligaments and the small nerves. As long as there was no fracture(s) then it will take several weeks (4 - 6) to heal.
Need to consider gout. Go to your Podiatrist for an evaluation.

Dr. Kathleen Neuhoff, D p.m.

Thank you for your question. Since this is the toe that you had surgery performed by another surgeon, that surgeon would be the best person to care for your injury.
Your toe was STUBBED, not stumped. And if the X-ray showed no fracture, it is likely a soft tissue injury such as a ligament sprain/tear/rupture. It could also be a bone contusion, which is a bruise of the bone. Buddy splint the toes together gently for several weeks and take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication for 2-3 weeks. You can ice the injured area 2-3 times a day for 10-20 minutes at a time. If the pain does not resolve after 6-8 weeks (yes, it can sometimes take that long, or longer to heal), return to your podiatrist for further evaluation and treatment.
Are you diabetic or do you have gout? And new X-rays are necessary.
I recommend you make a follow up appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to determine the cause of the swelling and the appropriate treatment options
It looks like you have an infection at the top of the toe. When you hit the toe, you most likely pushed the nail into the skin and now it’s infected. You will need to see you foot doctor as soon as you can. In the meantime, soak the foot in epsom salt and warm water. If the redness and swelling keeps increasing, head to your nearest urgent care or emergency room.