Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist


What is a good and safe, healthy way to treat a sty on the lower eye lid?

Female | 70 years old
Complaint duration: 3

7 Answers

Warm compresses and eyelids cleaning
Usually eye drops or ointment. Go see your eye doctor.
Warm compresses. Prevention is better with omega -3. If warm compresses don’t work, a steroid injection and antibiotic ointment.

A stye is a plugged oil gland on the eyelid, called a Meibomian gland. They can become infected, and if so, require antibiotic eye drops or pills or both to resolve. Most non-infected styes respond to conservative treatment with warm compresses and gentle massage 3-4x/day for a week or so. If any increase in swelling, pain, or redness, this indicates infection and you
should be seen by an ophthalmologist within 24 hours. The lubricating ointment sold over the counter called Stye ointment is usually not helpful.

Mark F. Pyfer, MD
Hot compresses using a clean washcloth twice a day directly on the stye. Nice and hot, but don't burn yourself. If it doesn't go away in a week or two, or starts to make the whole eyelid swell up, see an ophthalmologist.
If the stye is less than two weeks old, I recommend hot soaks with a washcloth. I also prescribe antibiotic steroid ointment. If older than two weeks, I recommend incision and drainage, or a steroid injection. See your ophthalmologist.

Styes should be treated with good lid hygiene and warm compresses on the eyelid. If it does not start to improve on its own, or gets worse over time, then you should seek the help of your local eye care professional or primary care doctor for potential antibiotic treatment.

Sharhonda B. Harrill, OD