Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Swollen lymph node?

My left lymph node is swollen and a little underneath the left side of my neck. It goes away for a day then comes back it's been going for a month now and idk if it's an infection or caused by an ear infection or if I'm just sick. I'm worried if it's cancerous or a tumor or just infected.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month few weeks
Medications: Antidepressant and hydroxyzine

5 Answers

If it fluctuates like this, then likely there is infection in draining area Please consult an ENT who can do thorough examination and guide you further
Most likely a simple inflammatory node. Your cancerous LN's do not go away, and they continue to get larger and very hard. Inflammatory LN fluctuates. You are high-risk age for mono, a type of virus that commonly causes swollen nodes.
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At 18 years old, the swollen lymph nodes are most likely related to infection/inflammation. It would be good to be evaluated. Your provider may want to investigate further with an ultrasound.
The location of the swelling or the lymph node that she describes is what is important, something that comes and goes is not consistent with a tumor or an infection but would suggest a salivary gland obstruction.
if it changes in size, i.e. larger then smaller, it is most likely being, inflammatory, and behaving as it should. If it get larger without tenderness or pain, you should it evaluated by ENT