Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Tender neck vein?

I am a 16 year old female. This problem has been going on for years and I felt I should at least try to get help because I found nothing on the internet. When I touch my neck near my collarbone, I have a very tender vein there (in the right side), and touching it hurts but not a lot but it makes me really uncomfortable and it's just tender overall. Other symptoms I have are a constant itching in my ears which stops sometimes but then starts again and I clean my ears multiple times a day. I also have this breathing problem that never goes away really. When I breathe in I can't get enough air in my lungs and it feels like I can't breathe. I sometimes have muscle pain in different areas of my body but it's not so serious.

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: Years

2 Answers

I would do blood work to r/o any autoimmune conditions
I can only answer some of this. As far as ear itching goes, sometimes you may be drying the ear by washing so much, thus making the problem. Try putting baby oil on a Q-tip and gently cleaning the ear. If this does not help the itch enough, try 1% hydrocortisone cream (over the counter). Talk to your doctor about the neck vein tenderness. It is unlikely to be anything significant at your age, but a good exam is always vital. The respiratory symptoms you describe can be asthma, but they can also be anxiety. Ask your doctor to help you decide what it is. You may need tests such as pulmonary function tests, a chest X-ray, and an oxygen measurement.
Good luck.