Cardiologist Questions Chest Pain

The right side of my chest is hurting

The right side of my chest has been hurting for the past 12 hours. Off and on every 30 or so seconds. The pain is achey and dull, however strong. It is concerning me. Is this something I should be worrying over?

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 12 hours
Medications: Kelnor pills, B2 pills, bi monthly B12 injections, Levothyroxine, Hydroxyzine, and Novolog.
Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes, Hashimotos Thyroid Disease, Pernicious Anemia, history of Frontal Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, and OCD.

3 Answers

Right sided chest pain is not likely cardiac in nature. In addition, a 17 year old female would be extremely low risk for cardiac disease. There are many other causes of chest pain. Would follow-up with your PCP.
There are many causes of chest pain and not all involve the heart. Your best bet is to see your family doctor for an exam and possible testing. If you don’t want to wait or the pain is very severe then a trip to the emergency room may be indicated.
Chest pain is always concerning. I’d recommend evaluation with an ekg at minimum