General Practitioner Questions Medicines

Threw up a pill

I threw up just about 15 Minutes ago. I threw up a white oval pill ( and yes it was a pill, I picked it up and crushed it in my hand) but I haven't taken any of those today. I took a tylenol 24 hours ago. I have taken a magnesium supplement today but it's green and in a capsule.
I'm freaking out, and don't know what that means. Please help!

Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: Today
Conditions: N/a

1 Answer

This sounds rather complex. You write that you did not take a white oval pill today, but that you threw one up. That must mean one of three things: either your system has completely stopped and you have retention in your stomach combined with extreme low stomach acidity, in which case you belong in an acute medical ward (but if you are feeling no discomfiture, don't worry about it), or your memory of what you have ingested is off, or someone sneaked one of those pills in something you swallowed, porridge for example. If you are feeling sick, you should consult the ER. If you are feeling OK, chalk it up to Murphy is lurking and shit happens.