Neuropathologist Questions Neurologist


When I look down with my neck fully bent or fully from side to side, but mostly to the right, my buttocks and legs and sometimes feet tingle. It is not painful but when I look down the tingling starts immediately. Typically only in the buttocks but sometimes goes throughout the legs and feet. This happens symmetrically.

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: Acyclovir
Conditions: pcos, hsv2

3 Answers

You need to talk and see your doctor/neurologist and have an MRI of your spine and possibly further testing (lumbar puncture). Your symptoms could indicate problems with your spinal cord or its covering (meninges).
That is called Lhermitte’s sign and may be an indication of a spinal cord issue. A cervical and thoracic MRI may be helpful in explaining why you are having this sensation.

This is most likely due to compression on the spinal cord. I would suggest you see a neurologist and get an MRI and an EMG/nerve conduction study.