Physician Assistant Questions


I had a scratchy throat from Saturday/Sunday-ish. Wednesday I went with my boyfriend and we did engage in some kissing. From that day up until Friday I was having an issue and pain with my right tonsil. It got harder to swallow my saliva, and then Friday it was painful swallowing food. I was then tested for strep Saturday and was told I had an acute Tonsillitis, and that they had to send it in to see what kind it was (bacterial or viral type). I'm not sure how I've gotten it because I don't have history of ever having a problem with my tonsils.

Female | 19 years old

7 Answers

Greetings, even though you do not have a history of recurrent issues with your tonsils, certain viruses and bacteria can cause inflammation and swelling of the tonsils. It is hard to say what the specific cause may have been.
Tonsillitis can be viral or bacterial. It is highly contagious and can be acquired by Kissing or sharing utensils, foods or drinks.
Coming into close contact with someone who’s sick. Touching a contaminated surface and then touching your nose or mouth.
Inhaling tiny particles that become airborne when a sick person sneezes or coughs.
Please see urgent care for this !
Hello there! It's hard to say how you got it, but there are viruses and bacteria everywhere in our environment so it could have been as simple as someone coughing close to you. If your boyfriend has any symptoms, then you could have gotten it from him. In general, tonsillitis is pretty common and can be treated easily with some medication/antibiotics =)
Hello! It’s very important to determine the type of virus and/or bacteria to establish an effective treatment plan. Make sure you follow up with your pcp for further evaluation & treatment. Take Care & Feel Better
Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, which are located at the back of the throat. It can be caused by either a viral or bacterial infection. While it's not possible for me to determine the exact cause of your tonsillitis, there are a few possibilities to consider:

Viral infection: Viral infections, such as the common cold, flu, or mononucleosis can cause tonsillitis. These infections are typically self-limiting and may not require specific treatment other than rest, fluids, and over-the-counter pain relievers.

Bacterial infection: Streptococcus bacteria, specifically group A Streptococcus, is a common cause of bacterial tonsillitis, also known as strep throat. Strep throat often presents with symptoms like a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, swollen tonsils, and fever. It is usually treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare professional. Certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause tonsillitis. Some STIs can be transmitted through oral sex, leading to inflammation and infection in the tonsils. These need to be treated with antibiotics from a healthcare professional.

Other factors: Tonsillitis can also be triggered by other factors, such as allergies, irritants, or postnasal drip. These can lead to throat irritation and inflammation, making the tonsils more susceptible to infection.

While you mentioned kissing, it's worth noting that tonsillitis is not solely transmitted through kissing. Viral and bacterial infections can be spread through close contact with an infected person, as well as through respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing.

Since you've already been tested for strep throat, it's important to follow the advice and treatment prescribed by your healthcare provider. They will be able to provide you with a more accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment based on the test results and your specific condition. If your symptoms worsen or persist despite treatment, it's advisable to seek further medical attention for a proper evaluation.
Tonsillitis can be caused by viruses or bacteria. Since they did a swab they are sending it out for a culture to see if it's bacterial or not. You can catch viruses just by breathing the air, unfortunately. Other problems you should consider are mono. If you have swollen tonsils that are covered with pus and black stuff and swollen lymph nodes, fever and fatigue, you need to be checked for mono