Dentist Questions Tooth extraction

Tooth Extraction

Hi! I’m in excruciating pain. I recently had 4 teeth pulled & im having extreme pain with one of them. I don’t know if it’s dry socket but i haven’t been able to sleep cause it hurts so bad & OTC isn’t relieving it & i’m at my maximum dose. Should i go to ER? My dentist is closed until the 27th


10 Answers

I am sorry to hear you are in excruciating pain and yes, the best thing to do if you cannot reach, your dentist is to go to the ER. It is quite possible that you do have a dry socket and they can give you some antibiotics.
alternate tylenol and ibuprofen up to the max dosage...putting orajel over the socket and biting on some cotton gauze will help...if you smoke....don't. keep head elevated even during sleep.
If there are no allergies or medical issues, you can alternate between 2 different OTC pain medications. However, I would do this only after consulting with either a physician or nurse. Getting on an antibiotic might also be helpful. Cold compresses for upto 24 hours and then warm compresses in the area of pain might help. Sticking to soft, cold foods also helps a lot.
Your dentist should have a 24 hour emergency number or coverage doctor.
You can go the the er or you can seek an oral surgeon for a consultation
It could possibly be a dry socket, you can either go to the ER or call another dental office for an evaluation. You can also try advil dual action for OTC pain medication.
The ER will most likely not be able to do anything. Look for another dentist that is open to doing a limited exam. Call them first and ask if they have dry socket paste.
Sounds like a dry socket because pain medicines don’t help. ER will not be of help. You need to see a dentist. If yours is out of the office, then call another dentist
Yes, or a dentist. You may need antibiotics or dry socket paste.
Hello there. Sorry you are experiencing such great discomfort. Dry socket is typically (if the cause) associated with lower extractions and will peak typically within the first several hours / day(s) following if the case. Questions I would ask ... did you have any infection dictating the reason for the extraction? Did you have any bone graft placed? Did you have sutures placed? What post op medications were you prescribed? Do you notice any swelling or issues with your gums around the extracted sites? Going to an ER can help but should be a last resort as any qualified dentist who routinely performs extractions should be the next stop to obtain radiograph(s) and a detailed clinical exam of your site and pain in question to determine the cause and treatment needed (if any) to get you feeling and healing better. Resolution and assurance are there for you so no worries and it's best to consult with your original treating dentist first (even if phone) to have a better idea of next steps. If not, any dentist can help and should ask these questions as well. Hope this helps you and you have found the relief and answers you need to regain optimal oral health and comfort.
I am so sorry that you are in excruciating pain. Go to the ER today , and
follow up with your Dentist on the next business day.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Dr. Stoddart