Dentist Questions Dentist

Tooth Filling

I received a dental cleaning from the hygienist today. She was pulling and claimed there was thick tartar buildup on my filling from a month ago. After, I told her it felt odd and uneven but she said it would for a couple days. As soon as I got home I checked it out, and the place she was tugging at is now deeper then the other side of my tooth in the back. Could she have pulled some of my tooth filling out? Thank you in advance for the help.

2 Answers

I would make an appointment with your dentist to have it evaluated. It’s unlikely but there is a small possibility that the restoration is dislodged. Usually you would feel sensitivity and the bite would feel uneven.
A hygienist cannot pull or brake a filling that was correctly done If the filling debonded from your tooth (which can happen), then it will come out during the cleaning I suggest you address it with the dentist that placed the filling.
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