Orthopaedic Surgeon (Pediatric) Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Torn or pulled ankle?

My ankle was pulled down by my brother a few days ago. My foot was vertical and the rest of my leg was horizontal. I think I tore something. I am in a boot and on crutches. The X-Ray was clear.

Female | 12 years old
Complaint duration: 04/00/00

4 Answers

Without performing an examination of your foot and ankle I can only speculate as to what may be going on. It is good that the x-ray is clear however, a radiograph will not show the soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons and muscles. Further studies, such as CT scan or MRI would provide a better understanding of the relationship and integrity of the soft tissues around your ankle. I would recommend seeking a local PT for evaluation. Best of luck.
You need to discuss with your doctor. But MRI is used to rule out tears.

It sounds like you may have dislocated your ankle or maybe a severe sprained ankle. Wear the boot for 3-4 weeks. Make sure you see an Orthopedic Surgeon to evaluate the injury.
Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
Crutches and the boot are the proper first step if x-rays were negative. But if the pain does not rapidly subside, you need to be evaluated by a specialist such as orthopedic surgeon, Physiatrist or podiatrist to determine if they feel that the injury is serious. A careful examination is necessary. If examination is not conclusive you may require MRI study.