Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Can you reverse type 2 diabetes?

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 2 days ago. I want to take control of it. Can you reverse type 2 diabetes?

5 Answers

Great question.
So, you can’t exactly reverse diabetes. Unfortunately, once you have the diagnosis, it technically stays with you forever due to having the risk. But just cause you have it though doesn’t mean you can’t take control. Plus, not all diabetics need medication, some are able to control it with diet and lifestyle depending on how bad it is. In some cases, people do such a good job with their control that it looks like they don’t have diabetes anymore. Things that you can do are get educated on proper foods to eat - lower carb content and moderation of natural sugars. If pasta, bread or rice brown is better than white. And, of course, physical activity is very useful. For many, some weight loss is extremely useful. These are the lifestyle things you can do. Often, medication is needed for some period of time, but depends on how bad it is.
Hope this helps and good luck.

Kay Kelts, DO
Yes, with appropriate healthy diet, increased physical activity, and weight loss you may be able to reverse the use of medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus and control it only with diet and exercise.
Yes, it is reversible with good guidance.

Thank You,

Libu Varughese

God Bless you!
Type 2 diabetes is reversible with the proper guidance and dietary changes for many, but it is best to speak with your healthcare provider to determine if you would be a good candidate for a natural approach.
No. If good diet/exercise regimen is followed, no medical rx should be needed.