Urologist Questions Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs (male) with no symptoms?

It has happened a few times where I go to the doctor, give a urine sample, and results confirm UTI bacteria even though I never felt any symptoms. Is this a sign of something more serious?

7 Answers

Women can sometimes have bacteria in the urine with no actual inflammatory infection, men usually, not. Make sure your primary physician locates a source of the bacteria. If not, a urologist can usually.
The presence of bacteria in the urine of an asymptomatic patient is known as asymptomatic bacteriuria. The IDSA also has published guidelines on indications for the screening and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in various patient populations.
You need to follow with your Urologist for better advice.
Not necessarily.
Your complaint is defined as asymptomatic bacteriuria, which is not that uncommon. And unless you have specific medical problem, a special type of infection, or are about to undergo some type of procedure, it should have no lasting impact. You may, however, be more prone to symptomatic UTI s in the future. My first question/concern is how they went about obtaining the urine specimen, as this is the most common reason for a positive Urine analysis
Most commonly this is due to cleaning issues especially in uncircumcised men. However, your doctor should make sure you are emptying your bladder well. If any blood in the urine check for stones.
Unless your doctor sends urine for a culture it is very difficult to be certain you have an infection. A culture takes 48hrs to grow. This will determine what the exact bacteria that is growing. A urine dipstick cannot be used to diagnosis a UTI.