Internist Questions Urinary Tract Infections

Are there any medicines to prevent UTI?

I am a 27 year old woman and I have had three relapses of UTI in the past two years. It is a very painful experience and I am taking all the precautions advised by the doctor. Is there any medication which can prevent the occurrence of UTI in a person?

4 Answers

Sometimes Cranberry concentrate capsules or high dose vitamin C can bee helpful but that is an anecdotal only.
Usually UTI is defined as recurrent when 3 episodes occur that are confirmed by urine culture in a 12 month period. I would suggest that you see your doctor when you develop a UTI and confirm diagnosis with urine tests. If your UTI's have been confirmed by testing then I suggest that you see your doctor who has access to your results so that he can advise on possible continuous antibiotic for prevention of another episode of UTI or possibly antibiotics after sexual intercourse if your UTI's are related to sexual activity. Your doctor should address the possibility of structural abnormalities with your genitourinary organs that may predispose you to UTI with an exam.
Yes, there are. It depends on the circumstances where you are getting the UTI, but suppressive antibiotics therapy may help in this situation.
Due to anatomical reasons, in women, UTI up to 3 times a year is normal.