Is it safe to take a multivitamin and a 10,000 mcg biotin vitamin together on the same day every day?
1 Answer
Biotin is vitamin B7. Biotin is contained in many foods. Between 50 and 100 micrograms per day of biotin is recommended<http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/biotin-oral-route/description/drg-20062359> for adolescents and adults. Biotin is water-soluble, so extra intake of biotin will simply pass through your body when you urinate. And most people can handle biotin supplements with no problem. However, some people report mild side effects including nausea<https://www.healthline.com/symptom/nausea> and upset stomach and irritable bowel. There are no known toxicity symptoms associated with too much biotin. The dose you ask about is excessive, though unlikely to be toxic. Wiser to supplement with less than 10,000. Recommend 1,000 mcg instead.