Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

We have been married 63 years and are on the verge of divorce?

We struggled financially, so my wife found a job to help. She liked her job, but she also took a liking for a male co-worker, had an affair. I found out and it devastated me. I do not remember forgiving her. Nor did I know how and what the intensity of the affair was. Fifty years later, my Dr. told me I had a meningioma that was located on the right side of my head. He told me it was very small, would not grow. Three plus years it grew. Surgery followed. Six months later, and after six weeks of therapy I came home. I was different and I started accusing my wife of being unfaithful. My question, please. Could the tumor cause or bring back the trauma of her playing around? I have another one on the left side and a new Dr. whom I trust very much. With him, I get an MRI yearly. He says if it shows any growth after any MRI, He will zap it, and it will be gone. Now back to my question, please?

Male | 87 years old
Complaint duration: 3 + years for the original one
Medications: I don"t take any for the new one'
Conditions: Diabetes 2

5 Answers

I think that the key question there is in what specific location in the brain was the tumor located. That being said, since it seemed quite small and peripheral, I'd say the likelihood is very small. Since you're 87, it is possible that dementia could be rearing its ugly head. I don't know you, but at your age, these things happen.

Forgiveness is a tricky thing. I have been divorced with my 1st wife unfaithful. The divorce was bitter and she detests me to this day. While your wife's actions brought hurt, you obviously still care, having been married for 63 years. I had a pastor who gave a wonderful sermon on forgiveness which basically said that the old saying "I may forgive, but I'll never forget' is a trap. In order to forgive, you essentially must forget. We are all flawed and broken and it is only through God's grace that we find peace. Neither you nor I are perfect, and while moving on can be tough, moving forward is imperative.
All the best.

Meningioma is usually a very slow growing, benign tumor. It looks like the first operation was successful and at present, you are properly monitored. I hope the recently discovered meningioma will not cause you any trouble. I also think that after the surgery you've become more vulnerable and sensitive. It happens after the emotional and physical stress. I also see that you've stayed in marriage much longer than many other couples. The problem that is bothering you now might disappear spontaneously. If you continue feeling lost or uncomfortable, you might need to seek professional help, I mean therapy.
Good luck. Wishing the best.
Certainly the hurt of a cancer can bring back memories of previous hurt. It sounds like you didn't work out the first hurt very well. Perhaps couple therapy could be helpful to you both.
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Start Counseling. This is TBI from Surgery.