“What anesthesia is used for ACL surgery?”
I will have ACL surgery. I want to know what anesthesia is used for ACL surgery?
6 Answers
ACL repair may be performed with general or spinal anethesia. Pain blocks may be used for post operative pain control. Good luck!
There are many options. General anesthesia, spinal and epidural anesthesia, and regional anesthesia (nerve blocks) have been used successfully for ACL reconstruction surgeries. Please talk to your anesthesiologist before your surgery. Good luck!
You could have a general anesthesia combined with regional block for postop pain control. This will allow you to be discharged from the hospital sooner without any pain.
There are typically two types of anesthesia available for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructive surgery. General anesthesia, regional anesthesia, or a combination of both. General anesthesia is an unconscious state achieved by medications given through an intravenous catheter (IV) and anesthesia machine. Regional anesthesia is accomplished by placing local anesthetic (“numbing” medication) around the nerves that give feeling to the part of the body where the surgery will be performed. When regional anesthesia is used, the patient is heavily sedated for the procedure. Lastly, a combination of general and regional anesthesia can be used for surgery. The surgical area, in this case, your knee, is usually anesthetized with a local anesthetic prior to general anesthesia. You should address all of your questions and concerns with your anesthesiologist during your preoperative evaluation to determine which anesthetic is best for your surgery.