Dentist Questions Dentist

What are the long term effects of teeth whitening?

I am a 35 year old male. I want to know what are the long term effects of teeth whitening?

5 Answers

Sensitivity & artificial looking teeth
If you overuse it, it can cause issues. Otherwise, no long-term negative effects.
There is short-term sensitivity from whitening, and no long-term negative effects that I can think of.
Best to you!

There are no long-term effects if whitening is done judiciously using American Dental Association and FDA approved whitening products.

Occasional tooth bleaching has not been shown to have deleterious effects on the hardness or health of your teeth. However, taken to the extreme (dentists call these patients "bleachorexics"), bleaching CAN cause demineralization of the enamel and weakening of tooth structure.