Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

What can I do for my back pain?

I have back pain and want to treat it. How can I fix my back pain?

4 Answers

It all starts by determining the etiology of your back pain. Treatment is geared towards each patient individually. From PT to injections to lifestyle modifications
Back pain is not a true diagnosis really, because there are so many disparate things that can cause it, that it demands a thorough hands-on assessment by someone with experience dealing with the spine and muscles and ligaments of the back. I respectfully suggest that you seek out the services of someone experienced in diagnosing and treating the various causes of back pain, including ordering any indicated tests like X-Rays or perhaps MRIs. Without a comprehensive examination of the back and extremities, there is no way to comment upon the condition of back pain,
and it is foolish for me to attempt to guide you beyond seeking a face-to-face assessment. Good luck!!

Kenneth D. Candido, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology-UIC
Pain Fellowship Director & Pain Clinic Medical Director
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management
ASIPP Board of Directors
CEO & President of Chicago Anesthesia Associates
CEO & President of Chicago Anesthesia Pain Specialists
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
3000 N. Halsted St. Suite 823
Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: (773) 296-7937
Fax: (773) 296-3995
*kdcandido@yahoo.com <kdcandido@yahoo.com>*
You need an accurate diagnosis.For pain caused by muscle strain anti-inflammatory meds,heat,exercise including abdominal core muscle strengthening
Find a chiropractor near you, they are specifically trained to help with back pain. Different chiro’s treat back pain differently find one that works for you