“What can I do to lower my blood sugar?”
I have been a diabetic for the past 12 years. What can I do to lower my blood sugar without medication?
6 Answers
When you have been a diabetic for twelve years you have fewer insulin making cells available. Weight reduction and exercising 15 minutes a day may lower sugars but you need to have a HgbA1C under 6.5%. If you can get your sugars under control with lifestyle changes you still need to manage your other heart risk factors which usually require medication. TJ
Well, there is little data here. I, however, would embrace taking medication. If you are a diabetic, then you have lost at least 66% of your insulin-making capability. Medications such as metformin, bydureon, ozempic, trulicity help preserve your pancreatic islets that make insulin. Also, a very low-calorie diet and exercise helps tremendously, but you knew that.
Working with a nutritionist and exercising regularly can help to lower blood sugars without medication. Other ways to help lower sugar levels is to increase water intake and substitute soda and just for non-sweet drink options. Cutting back on salad dressings that contain high sugar contents helps, all leading back to working with a nutritionist.
This is not a simple question that needs to be discussed with your primary care provider and nutritionist over multiple sessions. Please contact them.
Dr Marina Strizhevsky
Dr Marina Strizhevsky
After 12 years of diabetes (you didn't tell me how well it has been controlled over that 12 years), your pancreas is probably exhausted and thus incapable of control without medication. If you are overweight, lose wt. down to a normal wt. for your height. This will take some strain off of your pancreas. A Mediterranean diet can help both wt. control & blood sugar control. Exercise will also bring blood sugar down. Most of the stuff you see in ads & TV are worthless & end up being expensive. Most are scams. Your Dr. can guide you. Most important, KEEP YOUR BLOOD SUGAR UNDER CONTROL TO PREVENT COMPLICATIONS. You can do it & meds are not so bad. I have taken insulin for 26 years & have no complications. My HbA1c is 6,9%. Keep yours down.