Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

What can I eat with Invisalign?

I will get Invisalign. What can I eat with Invisalign?

6 Answers

You must wear your aligners 22hrs per day. Only taking them out when you eat.
Invisalign has many advantages and one is that you can eat pretty much what you normally ate before Invisalign…taking into account that your diet is a healthy one.
Because you would remove your Invisalign aligners prior to eating, you may resume your regular diet. Just take caution if any attachments were placed, if so avoid really hard foods.
Please listen in on our podcast “Mouth Mechanics” for further details on this topic and other dental topics.
You can actually eat anything after Invisalign just remember to take off your aligners anytime you want to eat.
As you remove the aligners trip eat, you can eat most anything. Speak to
your orthodontist or dentist.
The nice thing with Invisalign is that you can eat essentially whatever you want. You remove your aligners during eating, so you're able to eat more normally than with conventional metal braces and brackets. If you eat something particularly hard or crunchy, you may have a button or attachment come off, but your dentist or orthodontist is able to put that back on with no major concerns or issues.
Hi. You can eat almost anything because you should be taking off your Invisalign‘s to eat. After you eat you should brush floss and rinse then put your Invisalign back on. The only concern would be if you have attachments, that’s when you have to be careful if you eat something too hard. Other than that you should be good as long as you’re not wearing your Invisalign‘s to eat, pressure Fossett rents, temperature of his lines back on.
Dr. Claudia Gonzalez