“What can cause an elevated PSA?”
I am a 45-year-old male. I have high levels of PSA. What can cause an elevated PSA?
6 Answers
High prostate PSA levels could mean different things. They include infection (prostatitis), enlarge prostate or benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), rise with age, and even though cancer is one of the differential diagnoses, is not the only diagnosis. Things that reduce prostate PSA levels are plant-based diet, stress management, anti-inflammatory supplements, low fat dairy products, consider quitting cigarette smoking, and exercise. Thank you.
It may be due to benign enlargement of prostate. It may also suggest prostate cancer. The value needs to be interpreted in the context of your overall prostate health and you should talk to your doctor.
There are a number of causes (inflammation, infection, enlargement, cancer) which have to be sorted out by your Urologist.
An elevated PSA level can be a sign of prostate pathology. Conditions that contribute to PSA elevation include, but are not limited to, Enlarged Prostate, Infection or inflammation of the prostate gland, urinary tract infection, or prostate cancer.
If this is the first time you received an elevated PSA level, the suggestion is to repeat the test in a 2 to 3 weeks period. During this period discuss with your health care provider to put you on an antibiotic to treat Prostatitis.
At least 48 hours before having the PSA test repeated avoid having sexual activity since semen released during sexual activity contributes to the periodical elevation of PSA level.
If this is not the first time you received an elevated PSA level, a study showed that there is an annual change of PSA level among men. Patients with benign enlarged prostate (BPH) had a gradual increase in PSA level and those with prostatic cancer had an exponential increase.
In general, an annual increased rate of PSA of 0.75mcg/L/year would identify men who would benefit from further diagnostic studies.
If this is the first time you received an elevated PSA level, the suggestion is to repeat the test in a 2 to 3 weeks period. During this period discuss with your health care provider to put you on an antibiotic to treat Prostatitis.
At least 48 hours before having the PSA test repeated avoid having sexual activity since semen released during sexual activity contributes to the periodical elevation of PSA level.
If this is not the first time you received an elevated PSA level, a study showed that there is an annual change of PSA level among men. Patients with benign enlarged prostate (BPH) had a gradual increase in PSA level and those with prostatic cancer had an exponential increase.
In general, an annual increased rate of PSA of 0.75mcg/L/year would identify men who would benefit from further diagnostic studies.