Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

What causes A Fib and how can it be effectively treated?

At age 75, I was just diagnosed with A Fib for the first time in my life. Isn't it due to an electrical issue causing misfiring of the atrial muscles? How can it be effectively treated as an electrical problem?

Male | 75 years old
Conditions: A Fib, morbid obesity

4 Answers

The exact cause of atrial fibrillation is unknown but certain foods that contain tyramine such as cheese, red wine or bananas could contribute to that. The first line of treatment for A. Fib is medication and if that fails other treatments such as ablation are available with varying success rate. Consult your cardiologist or Electrophysiologist for that.
Atrial fibrillation is caused by disorganized electric circuits in the atrial chambers of the heart.It can be treated with medications, possible cardioversion and percutaneous or surgicalablation.
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Think of it as a short circuit in the electrical system of your heart. The results are that your heart tends to beat rapidly and very irregularly and the atria no longer contract. Treatment consists of three things. Conversion back to sinus rhythm, which is usually not necessary and is done with medication and/or electric shock. Control of the heart rate with medication. And anticoagulation because the noncontracting Atria collect blood clots that can cause strokes, etc.
There could be many factors that bring about atrial fabulation. However, it could occur spontaneously. 238 fibrillation you must be Evaluated by your cardiologist with a radius test and come up with the proper treatment. It could be medications and then severe form it could be surgery.