“What causes children to have anger issues?”
My daughter has anger issues. What causes children to have anger issues?
7 Answers
Depression, ADHD, ODD, sensory integration issues, are some of the causes that children have anger. It is best to get assessed by a psychologist and a psychiatrist.
Anger can often be described as the tip of the iceberg when it comes to feelings; this means there are often a variety of other difficult feelings underneath the anger. For children they are still learning how to verbally communicate their experiences and figure out what they are feeling and why. In children, behavior is often the first way they communicate what is happening for them, and what they may need. Sometimes frustration and difficulty expressing themselves, in a way that others hear and understand them can create anger. Children learn from what they see, so as adults it can be helpful to share more about our own feelings, and how we experience different feelings and why (in an age appropriate way) so that they can become more aware of and comfortable with the variety of feelings they experience as well.
Children can have problems managing angry feelings for a number of reasons. It would be best for you to contact a child therapist if you are concerned about this problem.
Anger is a normal human emotion and it can have many causes. A child can be born with a difficult temperament. Psychiatric illness like depression, anxiety, ptsd, bipolar, autism could have anger as a symptom. The only way to figure it out is by a professional such as a therapist or psychiatrist.
Anger issues may at times arise as a result of one's frequent internalization of emotions. In turn, externalizing behaviors may occur. I would recommend having your daughter see a mental health professional to determine the source and issues related to the anger and to enable your daughter to learn and develop healthy coping skills and strategies in communicating stressors and feelings. Other factors would also need to be explored to determine the most suitable interventions.
There are many reasons that can cause a child to have anger issues: some underlie reasons can be sadness, disappointment, fear, etc...
Children likely have anger issues due to their environment. Environment can be broken down into different categories, such as: social environment (how their family and friends interact with them), Physical Environment (nutrition, toxin exposure, etc.), and their own physical body environment (genetic predisposition, injuries, congenital defects, etc.). It can be challenging to nail it down to one thing. Often, you will find it is a combination of different things. This is why it is so important for you to track symptoms and talk to a professional pediatric counselor and pediatrician. Rule out physical causes, evaluate their social and physical environments, and then begin to consider diagnoses such DMDD (especially in young children), ODD, GAD, ASD, etc.