Orthopedist Questions Rheumatologist

What causes hand tingling and numbness?

I am a 17 year old male. I have hand tingling and numbness. What causes hand tingling and numbness?

9 Answers

The most common reason is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Would suggest using wrist brace at night
Possible carpal tunnel, cervical spine, brachial plexus, elbow nerve compression
There are many causes. The most common cause is carpal tunnel syndrome. You can see your local orthopedist or sports medicine physician to perform an exam to see what is most likely, and potentially order a nerve study.
Could be carpal tunnel syndrome. Should probably be seen by a hand surgeon.
The most common cause for finger numbness is carpal tunnel. That's unusual at age 17. Other causes include disk problems in the neck, inflammatory conditions and endocrine problems like hypothyroidism or diabetes. The exact location of the tingling and activities that make symptoms worse are clues for your doctor. A detailed neurological exam will often give the answer. In some cases, blood tests, nerve conduction tests or imaging studies are performed to understand the cause.

A nerve is being pressed on somewhere between your neck and your hand. The most common cause in a 17-year-old would be that you are putting pressure.
There may be many causes. It could stem from a pinched nerve in your neck or perhaps an injury to the armpit area where the brachial plexus is. The most common cause is carpal tunnel syndrome which is compression of the nerve in the wrist but usually that occurs in individuals somewhat older than yourself. Sometimes sleeping the wrong way on your shoulder can put excess pressure on the brachial plexus causing numbness and tingling in the arm. Regardless, if the problem is not resolving, he should have it evaluated by a specialist.
The most common cause is carpal tunnel syndrome. The median nerve gets pinched or irritated at the wrist. Another common cause is pinching of a nerve as it leaves the neck. That’s called cervical radiculopathy. There are other much rarer causes.
Numbness and tingling are signs of nerve irritation. Those symptoms in the hand are often caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, but not always. This would also not be very common in a 17 year old. Aside from carpal tunnel syndrome there are many different conditions which can cause nerve irritation. To figure out which causes these symptoms in your case you need an exam by an orthopaedic surgeon and possibly some diagnostic studies, such as EMG/NCV.