Urologist Questions Urologist

What causes pain while urinating?

For the last 2 days I have mild pain while urinating. What causes pain while urinating?

6 Answers

Pain while urinating or dysuria could be related to bladder or urethra inflammation. Will recommend checking an urine test to evaluate for UTI


Dr. Antonatos
Can be many reasons. It can be Urinary tract Infection, sexually transmitted disease etc. You should go to your PCP and get tested.
There are many possible causes but most common cause is a urinary tract infection or UTI. You should see your doctor for testing.
Most commonly, it is a urine infection.
Several issues can cause pain with passage of urine. The most common is a urinary tract infection or UTI. Other causes include but are not limited to a fungal or yeast infection affecting the urethra, stones, strictures, hormonal changes of menopause to name a few.
Usually a urine infection. Increase fluid intake and you can use otc AZO to help