Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What could be causing cramping diarrhea shortly after eating?

Within about 10 minutes of eating a small meal, I experience an episode of cramps and diarrhea. This usually happens if I have missed a previous meal (ie it will happen at lunch if I missed breakfast, or it will happen at dinner if I missed lunch). I do not tend to eat larger meals despite missing the previous meal. I do not have any loss of appetite, I simply forget to eat sometimes due to my autism. I have tested negative for the following:

Yersinia enterocolitica
Shiga-Like Toxin 1
Shiga-Like Toxin 2

What are other possible causes?

Female | 55 years old
Complaint duration: Off and on for several months
Medications: Lipitor, metoprolol, chlorthalidone, losartan
Conditions: Hypertension, autism spectrum disorder

2 Answers

Please visit your physician in person for further tests and treatment options.
You are describing a gastro-colic reflex: when the stomach fills with food or fluid, this stimulates a neurological reflex causing the colon to contract, which produces cramping and diarrhea. The stomach is basically forcing the colon to empty. This is in no way an infectious process so all the stool testing is for naught. Treatment consists of an antispasmotic med to reduce cramping and antidiarrheals to reduce diarrhea.