Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What doctor is best for treating schizophrenia?

My friend was diagnosed with schizophrenia. What doctor is best for treating schizophrenia?

8 Answers

A combination of both a psychologist and a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist will prescribe the necessary medications to help control the impact of schizophrenia on the individual and the psychologist will engage in talk therapy to help the individual to better understand and process their thoughts, feelings and decisions so that they can make better life long decisions on their journey in life and living. Dr. Rovaris
A therapist that focuses on CBT is best for helping to adapt and learn to cope with schizophrenia, but antipsychotics are essential in maintaining and controlling the positive and negative symptoms of disorder
I'm sorry. I just wrote a response to a 13-year-old son of a schizophrenic mother. I don't know where these answers go, I guess "TopDoc" or something like that. See what I wrote to him. You need someone who understands that schizophrenia comes from a scary childhood of mixed messages. If you go to someone who doesn't understand that, then the patient becomes a victim of long-term pharmacology. Belief in genetics is a generated superstition to prioritize medications. Find a therapist who can do a good inventory of childhood experiences and work to untangle by working with a kind, but straightforward dialogue. The trap for the therapist is if/when the patient has to defend his/her childhood/parents.
A psychiatrist for medication and therapy with a clinical psychologist. Kind Regards Brooke E Hillary ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist HTTPS://doxyme/drbrookehillary
Myself I can help you with those treatments I would recommend you take olanzpine it’s a good medication for that problem
Individuals with Schizophrenia benefit from a combination of medication management (Psychiatrist) and therapy (Psychologist, Social Worker, Professional Counselor).
Psychiatrist for the medication and psychologist for the psychotherapy.

The best doctor to treat schizophrenia is a psychiatrist who specializes in the disorder. I hope this helps.