“What does it mean if your sodium levels are low?”
I have low sodium levels. What does it mean if your sodium levels are low?
3 Answers
Low Sodium (Hyponatremia) When you have low sodium can causes nausea and vomiting, loss of energy and confusion. Serious hyponatremia can cause seizures, coma and even death. Hyponatremia is more common in order adult due to medical problems and medications. Low sodium in blood has many causes such as consumption of high fluid volume (too much fluid intake). Kidney failure, heart failure, cirrhosis, and use of diuretics are other causes. Low sodium can be treated with IV fluids recommended by your Doctor (IV sodium solution) to slowly raise your sodium levels. Also, he can give you medications to manage the headaches, nausea, and seizures. Gatorade to patient with hyponatremia is a good alternative. Thank you.
It depends how low they are compared to normal. If they are truly low, it may be a sign of kidney or adrenal disease and I would talk to your physician about it.