“What exercises are good for a disc hernia?”
I have a disc hernia. What exercises are good for a disc hernia?
2 Answers
A variety of exercises may help for a disc hernia. It does depend where in the spine that hernia is, and if the symptoms do, in fact, correlate with that herniation. Execises in the neck (cervical disc) would be different from exercises in the lower back (lumbar or lumbosacral disc). Generally, physician directed exercises can help, other times physical therapy or chiropractic lead exercises are needed. Typically the purpose to to help restore alignment and build strength in supporting musculature (often called "your core") while also balancing appropriate flexibility. The best treatment usually is to be seen and evaluated by physician specializing in this area like a Non-Surgical Sports Medicine Physician. The doctor will assess if physician directed exercises, medications, back or neck brace, topical treaments, acupuncture, injections or even physical therapy or chiropractic are appropriate for your specific case. Contact Dr. Adam Redlich, M.D. at www.AplusAthlete.com for an in-person or virtual appointment to discuss.