“What eye drops can help with tired eyes?”
I have tired eyes. What eye drops can help with tired eyes?
6 Answers
Artificial tears can occasionally help with ocular fatigue, but only from a comfort standpoint. Dry eyes are typically part of fatigue. Other things that may help include frequent visual breaks from work (ie, screens, books) and reading/computer glasses if appropriate.

Jason Randall Smith
When you say, "tired eyes", this is a very non-specific term and question. When you say "tired", is your vision blurry? Is it blurry after doing close work, computer work, or when driving? If this is the case, then a visit to an eye doctor may be a good option in order to determine if there is a prescription for glasses or contact lenses that may clear things up for you. If your eyes are red, are they fatigued or is there something else going on like a conjunctivitis that needs to be treated by an eye doctor with eye drops or other medications. Please resubmit your question being as specific as you can and then I can address your specifics more thoroughly. Good luck and best wishes.