“What happens if you don't do physical therapy after ankle surgery?”
I had ankle surgery 2 days ago. I wonder what happens if you don't do physical therapy after ankle surgery?
7 Answers
I recommend that you speak to your surgeon regarding this issue. what can happen if recommendation of your surgeon is not follow are: muscle weakness, difficulty walking, pain, stiffness, muscle atrophy, loss of function and many more....
Physical Therapy can be critical after ankle surgery to make sure you not only regain strength, but that you gain range of motion as well. You will want a functional ankle, so please do your physical therapy!
Physical therapy can be beneficial after surgery to reduce swelling and pain. I recommend you discuss with your surgeon the pros and cons of therapy for your case
You will never fully heal and likely always have compensation patterns. (good) PT is vital after surgery.
It depends on what type of ankle surgery you have had. Some require extensive physical therapy for appropriate range of motion of the joint, which is sometimes immobilized for extensive periods of time after surgery. You will have to ask your surgeon how long PT is required, and if it is required, at all, for the type of surgery you have had.