Dentist Questions Dentist

What happens if you don't floss often?

Sometimes I forget to floss and want to know how bad that is. What happens if you don't floss often?

8 Answers

You can get cavity in between the teeth or contribute to getting gum desease
Well, there’s no one answer. However flossing greatly reduces your chances of periodontal disease and inter proximal decay. Flossing, in addition to brushing, diet, and frequent dental checkups are the key to good dental health!
If you don't floss often, eventually you run the risk of periodontal disease which can ultimately result in tooth loss.

Flossing like brushing your teeth is part of maintenance. Floss remove buildup or plaque from in between your teeth. Bleeding gums is an indication of gingivitis and will be a result of chronic plaque buildup. When seeing your dentist/hygienist and periodontal probing is done. Bleeding from in between teeth is a sign of lack of flossing. Try flossing while in the shower, etc., if time is limited or tie a floss around your finger to remind yourself … lol
Hope this helps.
Very simple rule: you do not have to floss your teeth, just the ones you want to keep! Seriously, you can skip a day now & then. To receive the best benefits, you should floss ~5 days a week. The idea of flossing is to disorganize the soft, sticky plaque (which we manufacture 24/7) so it does not stay in one place & gets calcified (hard), leaving a surface for more build- up. Flossing is tough & takes time. Just try to make it part of your daily routine. Some of my patients find it easier time-wise in the shower. Flossing helps prevents periodontal (gum) disease.
Higher risk for gum disease and tooth decay.
Basically, you very gum disease. A lot of bacteria hides between the back teeth.
If you do not floss often, you will have more plaque and bacteria hanging around on your teeth. When this happens, you will be more prone to gum disease and cavity formation.