“What happens if you don't replace breast implants?”
I am a 23 year old female. I want to know what happens if you don't replace breast implants?
3 Answers
Depending on which implants were used, the silicone "gummy bear" implants do not need to be changed out unless you are wanting to go bigger, go smaller, have children, etc. If you are happy with the look, shape and feel of your breasts, you do not need to change them out.
It depends on your age, how long they have been in, weight fluctuations while they are in, pregnancy while they are in. But typically you will have more sag then if you never had them.
If you remove breast implants, your breasts will get smaller and sag more. Sometimes your breasts will look fine to you, especially if you have a fair amount of residual beast tissue and your skin is young, tight and elastic. Other times your breasts may look droopy and flatten like pancakes. Many women will look better if the have a breast lift (called a mastopexy) at the time of implant removal. Breast volume can be restored by fat transfer to the breasts from other areas. There is no single answer. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ask your plastic surgeon.