Dentist Questions Dentist

What happens if you ignore wisdom teeth pain?

I am a 24 year old male. I want to know what happens if you ignore wisdom teeth pain?

8 Answers

You lose wisdom, which is much more painful in the future!
It gets worse.
Pain could be a sign of something being off about a tooth. Don’t ignore it. Have a dentist look at it and tell you why. Otherwise, it can get serious.

That all depends on what condition is causing the pain. If it is gum pain because the teeth are coming through, rinse with warm, salted water and that should help. If the teeth are decayed and that is causing pain then ignoring the pain can lead to an abscess which could land you in the hospital. An x-ray should be taken to determine the source of the pain.
The pain can intensify and the infection continues to grow. It is often an infection that is causing the pain. This bacteria, then travels to other areas of the body. What I am saying is do not ignore it. Go get it taken care of soon.
Any pain requires attention. An infection may be present and may worsen if not treated.
Depends on the reason for the pain. If you have a deep cavity in your wisdom tooth and you have a toothache because of the cavity, it will just continue to be painful. Alternately the source of the pain may be your gum around the wisdom tooth. Often times the tooth erupts slowly and while it is erupting into your mouth, a flap of your gum remains covering the tooth. This flap can become irritated, inflamed and infected causing pain. This can happen because debris can become trapped between the gum and tooth or you can actually begin biting this flap of gum between your upper and lower wisdom teeth. This gum pain can be made to feel better by rinsing with 1/2 tsp salt in 12 oz of warm water (several times each day). Either way, if you have pain being caused by your wisdom teeth, it is better to have them removed.
You should not ignore wisdom tooth (3rd molar) pain. It is your body giving you a signal that something is not right. You may have a very large cavity and or you may develop a large infection. Get the area looked at by a dental professional.