Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What happens to your body when you stop eating gluten?

I am a 16 year old female. I want to know what happens to your body when you stop eating gluten?

4 Answers

Nothing bad!
If you do really have gluten sensitivity then your treating physician will discuss that with you
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Gluten is a protein that has been added to many types of wheat products to give the food some bulky volume and improve the airiness of breads and pastas. However, gluten is not an essential part of our diet so you could go on living just fine without it in your diet. Therefore, when you stop eating gluten, basically nothing happens to your body.
It depends. Usually nothing different would happen if you stop gluten. Some people (without celiac disease) have relief of GI symptoms like bloating after stopping gluten, but this is often because overall carbohydrates are reduced on a gluten free diet. Feeling better after eliminating gluten does not prove that gluten is the cause of GI symptoms. Fructans are also found in wheat and have been shown in elegant studies to cause a lot of GI symptoms, more so than gluten.