Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

What helps pain after otoplasty?

I had an otoplasty 2 days ago. I have extreme pain. What helps pain after otoplasty?

4 Answers

Auto plasty in adults is more painful than in children because the cartilages are a little more firm and a little thicker. The pain will subside once the swelling settles down and in general the surgery is uncomfortable for a week at least there’s some in some instances patients find that they’re uncomfortable for two weeks. Notify your surgeon that you’re having extreme Pain after a couple more days. There might be something that he needs to look at before your next schedule appointment.
It's best check with your surgeon who did your surgery.

Ice cold compress on and off 15 -20 min may help. Certainly, pain medications would help.
For extreme pain you should contact your doctor or visit your local ER.
If you are so soon after otoplasty, you really should be contacting your surgeon with issues such as inadequate pain control. Have you been following the surgeon's postop instructions to a tee? Usually a specialized dressing such as a glasscock dressing is placed over the ears after otoplasty. You also should not be side sleeping or putting any undue pressure on the operated-upon ears...

I can only speak to my practice, but I have done away with prescribing narcotics except in rare circumstances. If your doctor is ok with it, I am in favor of patients being on around-the-clock Tylenol (acetaminophen) alternating with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen, Motrin, or Aleve. For the first five (5) days' postop, I routinely prescribe an even stronger NSAID called Toradol (ketorolac), which cannot be obtained over-the-counter.

Your liver's limit is 4000 mg acetaminophen / 24 hours (some even say 3000 mg to be more conservative) to avoid toxicity. In addition, NSAIDs should be taken with food to avoid GI upset or ulceration, and NSAIDs should be avoided if you already have GI ulcers, underwent extensive bariatric surgery, and/or have impaired kidney function.

Again, contact your otoplasty surgeon for guidance before considering any of the above, non-narcotic means of achieving postop pain control. Two days after surgery, you should not expect ZERO pain, but if pain has gotten to the level where you cannot comfortably function performing activities of daily living (ADLs), then some adjustments in your pain medication regimen need to be made.

Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic, & Oculoplastic Surgery

Patel Plastic Surgery, LLC
11459 Johns Creek Parkway
Suite 240
Johns Creek, GA 30097

Office 470-395-6932
Fax 470-395-6951