Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What helps with back rib pain?

I am a 29 year old female and I have back rib pain. What helps with back rib pain?

5 Answers

Initially, an ice pack for 30 minutes, twice a day is beneficial. Wearing a rib belt will decompress the chest to relieve pain and discomfort. If a rib belt is not available try a wide ace bandage to wrap around the chest to decompress it. Physical therapy modalities & very gentle chiropractic care are beneficial.
Seeing a chiropractor may help!
Chiropractic treats rib pain regularly and successfully. However, diagnosis is required to determine and rule out fracture or other abnormalities.
For rib/mid to upper back pain I would suggest seeing your Chiropractor to be assessed and adjusted. That being said, a stretching regiment for your Mid back/Thoracic area is strongly encouraged along with complimenting it with a Chest stretch. I have found that using a door frame to stretch both areas is most convenient.
I recommend visiting a Chiropractor to realign the joints of the spine and ribs.