Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What helps with pediatric lung infections?

My daughter has a lung infection. What helps with pediatric lung infections?

1 Answer

Treatment depends upon the type of infection and also any underlying respiratory problems. Most chest infections are usually Part of a viral illness that besides a bad cough, has nasal congestion, fever, and maybe some abdominal discomfort and vomiting With lots of mucus. Also these respiratory infections may last as long as sometimes up to a week or more. However sometimes It may be a presumed bacterial infection. These may be presumed for example if the child seems to be getting better than the Cough gets worse and a reappearance of the fever. Then antibiotics may be needed. As far as any lower respiratory illness Is concerned, the usual protocol of rest, fluids, and maybe meds like robitussin dm will help make the sick child feel better. If for example the child has an underlying condition like asthma, the lung infection may cause something like wheezing and That has to be treated as well as the virus that started the illness.=20