Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

What is a good treatment for gingivitis?

I have gingivitis and want to fix it. What is a good treatment for gingivitis?

6 Answers

Getting your teeth professionally cleaned and then I would use electric toothbrush, and waterpik everyday
more frequent dental cleanings. Typical is every 6 months but sometimes patients need cleanings every 3 or every 4 months.

Brush and floss your teeth daily and see a dentist for a proper
cleaning and examination.

Dr. Farr
Deep periodontal scaling every 3 months , rinse with perioguard , for 1 min, after each brushing least 3 times a day
Gingivitis is a generic term for gum disease. You must go to a trusted dentist and have a full examination . He will evaluate your problem and suggest the best treatment. It could be as simple as a full set of radiographs and reduce inflammation with chlorhexidine mouthwash ,together with deep cleaning and correct home care. Many times a more extensive treatment is required.
A gum specialist known as a Periodontist is necessary to be consulted in a few occasions.
Gingivitis treatment requires you see your dentist for complete exam with xrays and SRP ( scaling and root planning) oral hygiene instructions, and following up with your preventative dental treatment! You are very wise to ask this question!
For more information on gingivitis and diagnosis plus treatment please click here: