Dentist Questions Yellow teeth

What is causing my teeth to yellow?

Lately, I have noticed that my teeth have become very yellow. I don't smoke or drink coffee, and have a very healthy diet. Should I be concerned that I have a bigger underlying problem?

16 Answers

Age, diet, brushing habits, you can whiten your teeth. Visit your dentist
Typically, it is caused by smoking or foods/beverages you consume. Excessively hard toothbrushing can also thin the enamel and cause yellowing of the teeth.
It is always advisable to consult a physician and get a physical whenever you suspect you have a problem. Also consult with your dentist. Tooth yellowing could be caused by diet, work related or hobby related causes, and a host of other reasons.
Yellowing teeth is not generally an indication of any underlying disease. Ask your dentist for whitening options which are very effective.
When was your last dental visit?
I would recommend to see your dentist for comprehensive evaluation
There are several reasons why teeth appear yellower than they should be.

Given the information that you are providing me, it seems that you came "programmed" to have yellow teeth. We inherit some traits from our ancestors as we inherit the color of our eyes, skin hair, etc.

This doesn't mean that you can't do anything to change the undesired appearance.

If you are not aware of any medical condition, you should be fine.

Because you may have a local factor that is contributing to the yellow of your teeth I recommend you to visit a dental professional for an opinion and possible treatment if you agree so.
Discoloration of our teeth happens when we grow older as well. Over time, naturally our enamel discolors and appear more yellow. There are solutions such as whitening or veneers than can bring life back to your teeth
You might have some wear on your teeth that is thinning out the enamel and making the dentin (the underlying tooth structure) show through. The dentin is more yellow. Also, the enamel has rods in its structure that absorbs stains. Whitening in the dental office is the best and most effective way to whiten teeth if it is just staining. The dentist will also be able to check your teeth to make sure there isn't another concern you should be aware of. You can try toothpastes or crest white strips, but if there is an underlying issue it won't work. I hope this helps!
Teeth usually turn darker as we grow older due to the loss of enamel. Although it is usually not a very serious issue, one should contact the dentist to check for decalcifications, caries, or underlying infections. Good luck.
If you maintain your regular dental check ups, then whitening might be an option for you
This can be due to several factors. Often times it is due to thin enamel wearing away and exposing the underlying tooth structure which is yellow in color. I recommend seeing a dental professional to determine what is causing this to occur and discuss treatment options based off of the findings noted.
Teeth are mildly porous and with time will accumulate pigments from any dark foods such as chocolate, berries and teas. These pigments are located on the outer surface of the teeth and are easily removed with the tooth whitening products. The ones dispensed by a dentist are more effective and efficient than over the counter alternatives.
Your physician may recommended dietary supplements if other systems are being affected besides your noticing yellowing of your teeth. This condition that you describe doesn't usually just come about; rather, it is more chronic in nature based on individuals and how much enamel they actually have covering the underlying materials of the tooth structure itself, which are not as white as the enamel that covers them. Dentin is the material which is underneath the enamel and is orange in color so it would give the appearance that with diminished amounts of enamel covering the Dentin that you're yellowing this might be perfectly natural for you, but someone else could need restorations.
It’s not just coffee and smoking that will discolor teeth. Any food or drink that will stain clothing as well as dark foods and liquids will cause some staining of your teeth. Examples are wine, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, and food sauces, just to name a few. Acidic foods will also cause your teeth to stain easily by eroding the outside layer of your teeth. Some medicines can also cause staining of the teeth, i.e., tetracyclines and doxycycline. Beyond bleaching your teeth to remove extrinsic stains is more diligent flossing and brushing to help minimize any new staining.
Teeth tend to darken with time. They can be brightened by bleaching. This can be done at home or in the office. Existing crowns and dark fillings don't bleach. You may need to have some work replaced, to get the look you want. If you are planning dental work on your upper front teeth, and you want them bleached, plan on waiting at least six weeks after the bleaching is complete. This allows the teeth to achieve the final color.
No underlying problem. Teeth over time tend to yellow. A whitening should put you back on track.