“What is the best eye laser treatment?”
I am a 32 year old male. I want to know what is the best eye laser treatment?
4 Answers
There are many different eye laser treatments. Treatments for two types of glaucoma, cataract surgery, cloudy material behind intraocular lens replacements, diabetes, nearsightedness, presbyopia, and astigmatism. So the answer depends on the ocular condition you may have.
The best laser treatment depends on what tissue you are treating, for what reason and for what preexisting parameters prevail. The answer to the question is multifaceted and must be individualized. Furthermore, you want your surgeon to employ the modality he feels most comfortable using. The laser is simply a surgical tool. I dont think anyone asks a surgeon what kind of blade is best for removing his or her appendix. Ask your surgeon your questions. He can best answer them for you.