“What is the best therapy for anger management?”
I am a 42 year old male. I want to know what is the best therapy for anger management?
7 Answers
There are many.
The best I found is a three month anger course. It is about think, feel, act . Goals are to look at Our personal habits of thought and behaviors, Journaling With a willingness and commitment to learning the core beliefs behind the thinking and awareness of feelings.
Then learning to give up shame that keeps us stuck in old habits for due to the fear of being wrong thinking and behavior change commitments can begin.
Like anything worth while it requires commitment and action.
The best I found is a three month anger course. It is about think, feel, act . Goals are to look at Our personal habits of thought and behaviors, Journaling With a willingness and commitment to learning the core beliefs behind the thinking and awareness of feelings.
Then learning to give up shame that keeps us stuck in old habits for due to the fear of being wrong thinking and behavior change commitments can begin.
Like anything worth while it requires commitment and action.
Thanks for your question. The best therapy for anger management is done by a Certified Anger Management Specialist. This therapy helps a person learn to manage anger by first identifying the feeling and the factors that contribute to feeling that way (underlying causes of the anger), and then learning healthy coping skills to use. Coping skills can include reading, listening to music, writing/journaling, calling a friend or talking to someone about the situation, playing with a pet, deep diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness and meditation, drawing or other forms of artistic expression, exercise or going for a walk, etc.
Jenna Torres, PsyD
Thanks for your question. The best therapy for anger management is done by a Certified Anger Management Specialist. This therapy helps a person learn to manage anger by first identifying the feeling and the factors that contribute to feeling that way (underlying causes of the anger), and then learning healthy coping skills to use. Coping skills can include reading, listening to music, writing/journaling, calling a friend or talking to someone about the situation, playing with a pet, deep diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness and meditation, drawing or other forms of artistic expression, exercise or going for a walk, etc.
Jenna Torres, PsyD
I would suggest MBCT Mindful based cognitive therapy. CBT, the person is trained to control their negative thoughts, which reduces attacks of anger, jealousy, and emotional discomfort, this through a technique called Cognitive Restructuring. Can therapy help with anger issues? First releasing and reprogramming highly suggest my new age spiritual holistic
approach and energetic vibrational sound systems. First, get a natal chart or astromanifestation report or a biorhythm report lab test done. See where you are. Find out what the triggers are. Please visit: www.workingitoutseries.com
approach and energetic vibrational sound systems. First, get a natal chart or astromanifestation report or a biorhythm report lab test done. See where you are. Find out what the triggers are. Please visit: www.workingitoutseries.com
See this link for some insight into your question:
There are several different options and forms of therapies available to help manage anger and irritability from exercise, mindfulness, medication management, as well as cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy approaches. I would suggest finding a therapist to explore and to help work through approaches that would be most suitable for you, based on your interests and lifestyle.