“What is the best treatment for lower back pain?”
I am a 34 year old male. I want to know what is the best treatment for lower back pain?
7 Answers
The best treatment will address the cause. Maybe the cause is weak supporting muscles and PT is a good option. Maybe weight is an issue and that needs to be addressed. Prolonged sitting is TERRIBLE for the spine and a stand up desk might be in order. Structural changes, jammed joints and irritated nerves may be the case and Chiropractic is a great place to start.
I am a chiropractor and always recommend chiropractic care. With that being said you would need to determine why you have lower back pain before starting care with a chiropractor. We always do a detailed exam in our office to find the cause and use x-ray to look at the condition of your spine.
The best treatment for lower back pain involves finding the actual cause of the pain through examination, X-rays, and perhaps an MRI to visualize the discs. If the physician is able to find structural problems via palpation and/or visualization that correlate to the symptoms, then the appropriate treatment protocol may begin. Spinal manipulation is often the best treatment for correcting biomechanical problems causing interference with the function of the nerves, muscles, and joints. Hope this info is helpful. Take care and be well.
I recommend chiropractic care, physiotherapies such as electric muscle stimulation, ice/heat treatments and ultrasound.
Being evaluated and treated by a chiropractor is by far the best treatment for low back pain. They will determine whether a chiropractic adjustment is necessary. If it is, you could potentially walk away from the first adjustment with considerably less pain.