“What will a chiropractor do for back pain?”
I am a 31 year old male and I have back pain. What will a chiropractor do for back pain?
8 Answers
A good chiropractor will take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination to uncover the underlying problem to your back pain, make a proper diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatment options.
Relieve all the interference in your nervous system!! So good for you and being only 31 you respond really well. Take your wallet out of your back pocket for one thing as I bet one leg is shorter (wallet side) causing the subluxation in your back. You will feel so good and wonder why you didn't do it sooner!!! Good luck!
The first thing a chiropractor will do is take a complete history followed by an orthopedic and neurological examination and possible X-rays to determine the cause of your pain. Once he/she reviews their findings, they will then determine if you are a chiropractic case. If so, the doctor will devise a treatment plan for your particular case which will include spinal manipulation in conjunction with one or more of the following therapies: electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, traction and supervised range of motion, core strengthening and stretching exercises.
Yours in health,
Doc J
Yours in health,
Doc J
Chiropractors will evaluate the mechanics of the spine by doing an examination of your back pain and then treat the mechanical issues that are causing the pain. Combined with some soft tissue work on the muscles, there is a high chance of your back pain being relieved. Some chiropractors use machines to adjust the spine and others use their hands. Many chiropractors also can give you advice on exercise, nutrition, and workplace modifications.
Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP
Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP
Likely they will evaluate your area of pain to locate the cause and then correct the cause using chiropractic adjustments along with any other modalities they deem fit for your unique issue.
Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are licensed doctors who does diagnosis and either preforms and/or recommends treatment. That includes all areas of the neuromuscular system. The question is what is causing the problem with the area and that requires diagnosis. Diagnosis can't be done without an examination. If the cause is appropriate and responsive to conservative care then Chiropractic care with it's many therapeutic treatments is important and appropriate. Even if the problem has a permanent and/or structural component the treatments may still help, but may not totally eliminate the underlying cause. Don't wait to have the examination, as the sooner the problems is detected and treated the better.