Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

β€œWhat is the best way to heal tendonitis in the elbow?”

I have elbow tendonitis. What is the best way to heal tendonitis in the elbow?

3 Answers

Rest! Ice Elevation Anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, etc Avoid or slowly resume the offending activity, such as golf or tennis.
The best way to heal tendinitis in the elbow is to reduce the repetitive use at the wrist. I tell my patient to use ice over the elbow, obtain a wrist immobilizer to use at night so they they do not bend their wrist frequently as one does while they sleep, and if they can wear it during the day, this will reduce the repetitive stress across the elbow. They can wear an elbow strap right below the elbow to reduce the stress across the extensor Tendon's. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory creams such as Voltaren can also help 3 to 4 times a day. Typically this will take a good 6 to 8 weeks to improve, but if it doesn't, Provo, therapeutic injections may be helpful in the elbow. The key thing is to reduce the repetitive stress, particularly at the wrist if you are doing, weightlifting, playing baseball, or doing Sports like pickle ball or tennis . I hope this was helpful. Michael A Palmer, MD, CIME, FAAPM RecoveryZone 1818 State Route 35 Wall, NJ 07719 Office Phone 732-935-0800 Office Fax: 856-712-3655 Website:
Heat, massage, rehab exercise, counterforce brace, anti-inflammatory meds, sometimes a cortisone injection, decrease overuse. Book entitled β€œArm Care β€œ Medical Sports Inc. 1812 N.George Mason Drive, Arlington Virginia 22205 will be of help.