Dentist Questions Teeth Whitening

What is the best way to whiten my teeth?

Over the years, my teeth have become very yellow. What is the most effective way to whiten my teeth?

12 Answers

Our teeth have a color based on our genetic dentine. With time, our intake of food stains extrinsically our teeth, which can be removed via tooth whitening (in office and retouch at home whitening system). On the other hand, intrinsic stains (which are genetically predetermined) CANNOT be removed via tooth whitening; but via veneers the color of the entire tooth can be changed.
Over the counter products are only minimally effective in this situation. You would need to consult your dentist for your particular situation.
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There are multiple options,you can go for in office Zoom whitening or take home whitening trays. Please see the dentist for further information regarding what will work best for you
The GLO system is the kindest and most cost effective whitening method on the market today.
Several ways: over the counter whitening like white strips. In house whitening like zoom or bleaching trays
Professional whitening like the KOR system work amazingly. Ask your dentist for options. OTC products don't work that well.
The most effective way would be an in office bleaching system which uses prescription strength bleach. OTC bleaching tends not to yield large changing results. If you wish to go this way it I recommended to try Opalesence Go which can be found on Amazon.
Crest white strips work great
Peroxide based systoms really work. I like a system called Kör Whitening. Great results and very low sensitivity compared to so many others. No extra additives to the gel that can actually become irritants. Depending on your shade it can take some time to get the results you want. OTC systems like crest white strips definitely work, but are more challenging to use and take a little longer. If you have a lot of surface stain, I like the Curaprox Black is White Charcoal tooth paste. It really does a great job and is safe and effective.
The most effective way to whiten your teeth is with custom fitting bleaching trays made by a dentist. Whitening gels, usually carbamide peroxide, is injected into the trays which are then inserted into the mouth and worn from two to eight hours per treatment. Typically seven to ten treatments are necessary to attain the desired whiteness though whitening effects vary significantly between patients.
Over the years I have had fantastic success with Zoom, especially yellow teeth.
Over-the-counter whitening is usually 2% peroxide based oral consumption being the key component not just peroxide out of a bottle which is not meant to be taken by mouth. You can graduate this up with products your dentists recommend that are stronger up to even 30% depending on the results that you are looking for and the amount of surface area you want to whiten to the point where even ultraviolet lights can accelerate and distribute the material more thoroughly in a concentrated effort rather than spend weeks of wearing the mouthpieces to achieve the results you desire. Of course the office procedures with the dentist are going to be much more expensive than an over-the-counter kit but they will probably yield more long-lasting results.